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Aramid and twisted wire

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The temperature resistance of the para-aramid is higher than that of the meta-aramid

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The temperature resistance of the para-aramid is higher than that of the meta-aramid

Date of release:2018-10-20 Author: Click:

The temperature resistance of the para-aramid is higher than that of the meta-aramid. The continuous use temperature range is -196 °C ~ 204 °C, and it does not decompose or melt at 560 °C. The remarkable properties of para-aramid are high strength and high modulus, and its strength is more than 25 g/denier, which is 5-6 times of high-quality steel, 3 times of glass fiber and 2 times of high-strength nylon industrial yarn; modulus is high quality 2 to 3 times of steel or fiberglass and 10 times of high-strength nylon industrial yarn.

Aramid pulp

Aramid pulp is obtained by surface fibrillation of aramid staple fibers. Its unique surface structure greatly enhances the gripping force of the mixture, so it is very suitable as a reinforcing fiber for friction and sealing products. in.

Liufang special fiber----aramid 1414 pulp, light yellow pulverized, fluffy, rich in hairiness, high strength, good dimensional stability, no brittleness, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, toughness, shrinkage Small, good wear resistance, large surface area, can be well combined with other substances, is a reinforcing material, moisture regain is 8%, average length is 2-2.5mm, surface area is 8m2 / g. It is used as a gasket reinforcement material, has good resilience and sealing performance, and is harmless to human health and environment. It can be used as a seal for water, oil, hydrocarbons and medium-strength acid and alkali. The gaskets have excellent sealing properties and creep relaxation resistance.

It turns out that it is usually only necessary to add less than 10% pulp to give a product with a strength equivalent to 50-60% asbestos fiber reinforced product. Used to enhance friction, sealing materials and other finished products, can be used as a substitute for asbestos for friction sealing materials, high-performance heat-resistant insulating paper and reinforced composite materials.

The address of this article:http://en.surefrp.com/news/366.html

Key word:Highstrengthnylonindustrialyarn,Para-aramid,Meta-aramid

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Contact: Allen zhang 

Mobile: +8618657301314

Tel: +86-573-88236564

QQ: 307160103

Address: Tongyuan Road, Tongfu Industrial Park, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province



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